FIFe Standard for Norwegian Forest Cat




Head Triangular, where all sides are equal. Long, straight profile without break in line. Firm chin.


Ears High and open, with good width at the base, so that the lines of the ears follow the line of the head down to the chin. With lynx-like tufts and long hairs out of the ears.


Eyes Shape -  Large, well opened, slightly oblique. Alert expression.
Color - All eye colours allowed, regardless of coat colour.


Body Large and strongly built, long. Solid bone structure.


Legs High on legs; the hind legs higher than the front legs.


Tail Long and bushy, should reach to the neck.


Coat Structure - Semilong. The woolly undercoat is covered by a smooth, water repellent overcoat. This glossy hair covers the back and the sides. A fully coated cat has a shirtfront, a full ruff and knickerbockers.


Note NFO´s takes several years to be fully developed.


Faults Round or square head, profile with a break (stop). Small ears. Too small and finely built cats. Short legs, Short tail. Dry, knotted coat with lumps.


Colour All colours allowed (except pointed patterns and chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn) including all colours with white. Any amount of white is allowed, i.e. white locket, white on the chest, the belly or a whiteblaice, white on the paws etc.



Scale of points


Body 25
Coat 25
Head 20
Ears 10
Tail 10
Eyes 5
Condition 5
Total 100 points




Text from Skogkattslingan